Ad ogni modo, riportiamo di seguito il comunicato ufficiale con all’interno le chiavi: gli sviluppatori sapranno in che modo farne buon uso, mentre per tutti gli altri afidionados del genere non rimane che mettersi comodi ed assistere all’evolversi della situazione, sia essa un abbassamento del prezzo spropositato di Gateway 3DS, sia essa ad esempio una nuova flashcart che supporta i firmware più recenti in maniera nativa o, per l’appunto, un custom firmware nuovo di zecca con annesso “homebrew channel”.
GovanifY personal database…….ain’t my web designs skills beautiful?
Anyways, it looks like you’ve got lucky today, I got bored of this 3ds drama and manipulation scene and I wanted to release something. And why not release something like the FUCKING 7.X KEYX OF THE 3DS?So here it is
keyX: CEE7D8AB30C00DAE850EF5E382AC5AF3
Don’t have that much more to say, excepted she WAS going to be leaked anyways, and soon enough if it wasen’t by me.
Also, last thing, but I’m not goin’ to provide any tool, you have to work y’know ;3Tho I can give you some hints: REG_AESKEYXFIFO. Physical adress: 0x10009104
Also, as a proof, here are the 19F first bytes of the ExeFS XorPad of SSB3ds PAL just right here ;3
Until next time, Enjoy, and good luck with the in coming drama.