Offerta per Beautiful Widgets Gold!
Oggi e in offerta limitata possiamo ottenere la versione full di Beautiful Widgets (denominata Gold, sponsorizzata da GetJar Gold) sul nostro smartphone Android. Come? Basta andare sul Play Store, installare gratuitamente Beautiful Widgets Gold e al suo avvio installare almeno due delle applicazioni proposte ed avviarle almeno una volta – subito dopo le si possono anche cancellare -. Si attiverà in questo modo la versione Full della nota App.
Ricordiamo che l’offerta è limitata.
Qui parte della descrizione originale dell’app su Google Play Store:
Get the full version of Beautiful Widgets for FREE by trying some new apps! Unlock it using Getjar Gold, a virtual currency that you get by trying free apps recommended for you. This is a limited time offer!
Beautiful Widgets, the perfect widgets application get a facelift and is back in a brand new version!
Tons of widgets, tons of themes, just for you. Beautiful Widgets is your best friend for customizing your home screen. Make it personal, be unique & express yourself.
Beautiful Widgets was the first paid app reaching 1 million of downloads. It has been Google Editor's Choice for more than a year, and more then 3 years in the top #5 paid applications in the Android Play Store (previously Android Market). Now you can get it for free!
Link diretto all’offerta:
Enjoy 🙂